Teen Rhinoplasty: What Parents and Teens Need To Know

Teen Rhinoplasty: What Parents and Teens Need To Know

Rhinoplasty is a common cosmetic operation in which the nose is reshaped either for aesthetic purposes or also to correct the associated functional impairment. Although usually, it is the adults who are believed to have rhinoplasty done on them, several teenagers wish to undergo this surgery. Therefore, it becomes important that both parents and teens know what moves behind the mechanics of rhinoplasty so that an informed decision can be made. Read more about what you should know concerning rhinoplasty for teens.

Understanding Teen Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a surgery for teenagers that reshapes the nose to improve its appearance and breathing. It can address several factors, such as the size, shape, and sagging of the nose.

Why Teens Want Rhinoplasty

  • Self-esteem and confidence: Most teenagers feel the need to have rhinoplasty to regain their self-esteem and confidence about their appearance.

  • Bullying or Teasing: As such, some teenagers are taunted or bullied about their nose shape, making them consider surgery.

  • Functional Problems: For this reason, adolescents can be willing to embrace rhinoplasty if they have functional problems related to a drifted septum or breathing difficulties.

When Is the Right Time for Teen Rhinoplasty?

Timing is very important when considering performing rhinoplasty in teens. The complete growth of the nose should be before rhinoplasty; hence, it should not be interfered with because rhinoplasty for teenagers may fail to produce the final result. Rhinoplasty for girls may be from 15 years upwards, while in boys, it might have to take up to around 17–18 years. A strongly recommended advice from most surgeons is to see an experienced surgeon who will be able to correctly determine if this is true about the teenager's nose.

Deciding on the Better Surgeon

It is paramount to find a good, experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon. These salient points to be considered by a qualified plastic surgeon are the following:

  • Board Certified: Make sure your surgeon is board certified by a reputable board such as the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

  • Experience with Teenagers: There should be specific experience in conducting rhinoplasty on teenagers.

  • Before-and-After Pictures: The before-and-after photos of teenagers who underwent rhinoplasty in the surgeon's past showcase their ability and their style.

The Consultation Process

A consultation is one of the very basic yet important parts of the rhinoplasty journey, as it gives the chance to discuss the goals, expectations, and concerns between a teenager, parent, and surgeon.

What to Expect in the Consultation

  • Medical assessment: The surgeon should conduct a thorough medical evaluation to determine whether the teenager is a good candidate for surgery.

  • Discussion of Goals: The adolescent should be allowed to explain his reasons for desiring rhinoplasty and his goals.

  • Examination and Imaging: The surgeon will examine the nose and may further examine it using imaging technology to reveal possible results.

  • Risks and Benefits: Before making the right decision, it is important to be well-informed of the risks and benefits of rhinoplasty.

Surgery Preparation

Rhinoplasty is a very sensitive surgery, and care during and after rhinoplasty is an important process for recovery. So here are some steps before the surgery:

  • Health and Lifestyle: Be on a balanced diet. Maintain regular physical exercises.

  • Avoid Certain Medications: The surgeon will advise you on which specific medications and supplements to avoid before surgery.

  • Seek Assistance: A parent should be on call for the day of surgery to accompany the teen and for the first day or two afterward during recovery.

Surgery and Rehabilitation

During Surgery

Rhinoplasty is generally done under general anesthesia. The procedure lasts between 1 to 3 hours, and proper care is taken not to alter the nasal structure in a way that may lead to unexpected changes.


  • Early Recovery: These first days will be dominated by swelling, bruising, and tenderness. Analgesics may be required.

  • Follow-up Visits: Be sure to keep up with the surgeon very often regarding proper healing.

  • Limits of Activity: Avoid really demanding activities during the weeks following the surgery to allow the tissue to heal well.

  • Actual Results: Some changes can be seen within a few weeks, but it may take as long as twelve months before your new nose settles to its final shape.

Psychological Considerations

Psychosocial Aspects It is equally important for teens and parents to consider the psychological aspects of rhinoplasty. The child should have realistic expectations and be psychologically prepared for the outcome. Psychologist or counsellor consultations, which the teenager could have, can be of very much assistance.

Cost and Insurance

Costs of Rhinoplasty will fluctuate based on the experience and location of a doctor, as well as the complexity of the work to be performed. Most insurance plans do not cover cosmetic rhinoplasty. Some may cover part of the cost if the surgery is done for medical reasons, such as to repair a deviated septum.


Rhinoplasty for a teenager could not be anything less than life-changing, as in the looks and self-assurance found to be completely different. Information is key, from being of the appropriate age and selecting a surgeon for teens and parents to the consultation and recovery process. Proper questions and preparation will make the family feel that their teen's rhinoplasty will be safe and successful.